Easy meal 45 mins

 Brown Rice, Stir Fried Vegetables and Dahl

First put on the rice.

Perfectly Cooked Brown Rice

1 cup short or long grain organic brown rice
2 cups water
pinch salt

rinse rice in pan, put water on top and move round with your hand then pour out through a sieve.

repeat till all dust is removed (2 or 3 times is usually enough).

Add the two cups of water and place on a high heat until it boils,
Turn the heat down to the lowest possible, that will keep it simmering.
Cover and cook for 45 mins.  Leave the cover slightly ajar or it will boil over.

once the rice is simmering, start to
prepare the Dahl

Simple Dahl

1 cup of red lentils
2 1/2 cups water
Spices - one or more: half teaspoon of turmeric
1 teaspoon ground cumin
2 teaspoons
ground coriander
Or 2 teaspoons curry powder

Wash the lentils the same way you washed the rice, at least 4 times
Put in saucepan with water, salt and spices.
Put  on a high heat till it starts to boil, then turn down as low as possible to keep it simmering very gently, cover but leave the lid ajar.
Then bring to boil and simmer until the veg are ready, adding more water if needed

garlic and chillies can also be added with the spices
Before putting the lentils on the heat,  wash and chop your vegetables

Stir Fried Vegetables

An onion - diced about 1 cm or leek - sliced half cm
At least three of the following
Carrot - cut into half moons slices, half cm
Celery - sliced half cm
Green Cabbage or Collard Greens (Spring Greens) - cut into 2 cm squares
Mushrooms - sliced 1 cm
Courgette - sliced half cm
Virgin olive oil or other cold pressed oil - about 3 desert spoons

First prepare your vegetables by washing, scrubbing and trimming, keep them separate.
Then cut them into the right sizes.

Put the lentils on a high heat and whilst waiting for it to boil, begin the next step

In a wok or  stainless steel pan heat the oil over a medium heat for about a minute so when you add the leek or onion, they sizzle slightly and stir with a wooden spoon for about 3 or 4 mins till soft.

Add the carrot and stir for another  2 mins then add the celery stirring for 2 mins also.

Add the courgette, mushrooms and cabbage together and stir for 3 mins, add more oil if you need to but try to use as little as possible.

Mix 2 desertspoons soya sauce with a quarter of a cup of water, add to pan and cover immediately, turning the heat to as low as possible to keep it simmering. The veg on top will steam.

Cook 5 - 10 minutes or until the veg are soft but the cabbage is still green but cooked

This basic meal can be cooked in endless varieties

instead of the lentils, use mung beans (25mins), green lentils (30 mins), or black eyed peas (45 mins)  The cooking method is the same.

Or change the veg to include aubergines, peppers, butternut squash, peas, sweet potato, parsnip, swedes, white cabbage, whatever is in season is best and cheapest. Adding garlic and/or ginger with the onion is another variation.

Rice can be replaced with bulgur wheat, quinoa or noodles (japanese soba, udon etc if you can get them, or spelt, or organic noodles. All these cook in 15 - 20 mins so put them on with the lentils